SI Training

Virginia Private Investigator Training Course

SI Training, a business unit of Special Investigations, offers Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) certified Virginia Private Investigator In-Service Training 02I.

SI Cyber Blog

At SPECINV and SI Cyber—our two professional services business units—we typically manage a full case load and cyber engagement schedule internationally . . . from here in Washington to the European Union to Central and South America, South and East Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.  We’ve been dealing with fraud, foreign corruption, intelligence, government and corporate malfeasance, C-level officers hiding material information in their backgrounds, securities fraud in genteel horse country and big-city real estate, and municipalities concerned with civil rights.  We’ve also experienced a phenomenal increase in sexual harassment #MeToo investigations reporting to boardrooms since 2017, and definitely in our government contracting practice.

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SI Cyber Blog

When SI was originally founded as “Special Investigations” in 2014—and then expanded in 2017 and 2020—we had a lot of conversation about how we should represent this firm . . . and that conversation continues.  We talk about our strategic dimension—what Michael Porter called “differentiation focus”—and our responsiveness to an ever-expanding client base.  We are beginning to mature, operationally.  We are in some of our biggest and most consequential cases.  We are positioning for growth again.  We are adapting.

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SI Cyber Blog

Our psychologist Dr. Michael Greelis and our CEO Michael Pocalyko (they are both on our government contracts) have advanced a new theory of the Psychology and Motivations of White-Collar Criminals.  We’re sharing here as a long-form SI blog post the Greelis and Pocalyko top-level findings, as originally presented to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Global Fraud Conference.

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